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Founded in 2005,
InterLAN is a Romanian association of telecom operators, its principal objective being to establish a strong local telecom community. InterLAN has been a full and active member of the Euro-IX Association since 2008 and it operates Interlan Internet Exchange, the largest IXP in Romania, which brings together more than 50 domestic and foreign telecom operators. InterLAN Internet Exchange is open to all telecom operators, Internet service providers, national and international content providers, educational networks, banking and financial companies and other entities that operate data networks and need to peer with others.
Platinum Sponsor

Founded in 1992, the
RIPE NCC is the oldest and largest of the five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).
- As a not-for-profit membership organisation, it administers Internet number resources for more than 12,000 members in Europe, the Middle East and parts of Central Asia.
- As an RIR, the RIPE NCC is governed by policies developed by the RIPE community via open, transparent and bottom-up processes.
- As secretariat for the RIPE community, the RIPE NCC provides neutral platforms for community interaction to develop Internet number policy and share experience and ideas.
The RIPE NCC also participates in Internet governance discussions, ensuring that the perspective and experience of the RIPE community is included in those discussions.
And the RIPE NCC maintains several technical elements vital to the Internet infrastructure on behalf of the wider Internet community, including the RIPE Database and K-root, one of 13 root name servers. With the support of thousands of community members around the world, the RIPE NCC is also constructing RIPE Atlas, the largest Internet measurement network ever made.
Gold Sponsor

The Internet Society engages in a wide spectrum of Internet issues, including policy, governance, technology, and development. We establish and promote principles that are intended to persuade governments to make decisions that are right for their citizens and each nation’s future. Everything we do is based on ensuring that a healthy, sustainable Internet is available to everyone – today and for the next billion users.
Silver Sponsors

IPv4 Market Group is a broker of IPv4 transfers between companies with excess blocks and companies with need. We facilitate all steps in the commercial and transfer processes.

DE-CIX provides premium Internet exchange (IX) services and operates several carrier and data center-neutral Internet exchanges internationally. Founded in 1995, DE-CIX has established an environment for the bilateral settlement-free exchange of Internet traffic, called peering. The company serves 700+ carriers, ISPs and content networks from 60+ countries, including all leading international players in various metro markets in Europe, the Middle East and North America. With 4+ Terabits per second of peak traffic, DE-CIX Frankfurt is the world’s leading Internet exchange. DE-CIX is your one-stop-shop for peering, interconnection and additional IX services.

Hilco Streambank is a leading IPv4 broker in North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific regions. For large or complex IPv4 transactions, our IPv4 team will arrange and negotiate direct transactions between buyers and sellers looking for custom solutions. For parties looking to take advantage of a new simplified process, provides a great way to quickly and efficiently get the resources you need. Check out to view previous sale prices.

IP Broker is one of the first registered brokers in the RIPE region with offices in UK, Spain, Romania, Moldova and Hong Kong. We have a team of experienced professionals and we can also assist with IPv6 deployment. We have satisfied customers from small companies and banks to some of the largest telcos in the world. We have intermediated transactions from Kazakhstan to Portugal and from Norway to Saudi Arabia.
Bronze Sponsor

Nominum leads the industry with N2, a new kind of platform for Service Providers that transforms DNS from network service to integrated system fulfilling diverse needs for Network Operations, Security, Customer Care, and Marketing teams. An “Arc of Value” enabled with N2 lets providers of all sizes and types reduce operating costs while enhancing the subscriber experience, protecting against fast changing threats, increasing promotional reach, improving support, and deeply understanding customer needs.
Learn more.